Copyright © 2022 FotoFinder Systems GmbH

Copyright © 2022 FotoFinder Systems GmbH
Switzerland has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in Europe. An important part of our work is preventing skin cancer from developing in the first place and detecting existing skin cancer at an early stage through preventive examinations. In an initial skin cancer screening examination, we take the patient’s medical history, determine their skin type and then carry out a precise check of the skin and any moles.
At our practice, we have not only a reflected light microscope (dermatoscope), but also a computer-aided digital analysis system to help us examine moles (FotoFinder). This enables us to diagnose moles accurately, monitor them objectively over the course of many years and remove them if necessary.
After the examination, we discuss the patient’s risk profile with the patient, talk about sensible measures to take going forward, tell them how often they should come for screenings and instruct them on how to protect their skin from the sun and how to do self-checks. The aim is to improve the prevention and early detection of malignant melanoma.
Early skin cancer detection – FotoFinder ATBM (Automatic Total Body Mapping)
Early detection:
The best way to deal with skin cancer is to detect it early. Skin cancer is curable if it is detected early enough. The greatest risk factors are excessive sun exposure and hereditary predisposition. We help you keep an eye on your skin. We use state-of-the-art FotoFinder ATBM technology for Automatic Total Body Mapping.
Did you know?
Over two thirds of melanomas develop on healthy skin and not from existing moles. Therefore, it is very important to examine the entire skin surface as well as the individual moles. The advantages of the computer-assisted ATBM procedure are obvious: at each regular examination, we document your complete skin appearance photographically. Once new recordings have been made, they can always be compared with old ones. This allows us to see even the smallest change at an early stage!
The “map” of your skin:
Automatic Total Body Mapping – view your skin as a landscape. With Automatic Total Body Mapping (ATBM), we systematically record the entire skin surface over the long term. We use the high-tech FotoFinder system to create a map of your moles (“body map”) by photographing you from head to toe and from all sides in just a few minutes. The special software and FotoFinder’s artificial intelligence immediately generate a complete evaluation of all new and changed skin characteristics. Your data is encrypted and treated confidentially.
Individual analysis of moles:
Reflected light microscopy. We also take dermatoscopic images of conspicuous moles. Using a special reflected light video microscope, we create highly magnified images of your moles that clearly show their structure. This makes it clear whether they are of concern. You can follow the completely painless examination on the screen.
You’re in control: Skin cancer screening with FotoFinder
- Long-term and complete examination of the entire skin and each individual mole
- Early detection of altered and newly formed moles
- Mole localisation from head to toe and analysis for malignancy
- Unnecessary mole removals are avoided
Am I a high-risk patient?
If you answer “YES” to any of the following questions, please contact us!
- Do you have fair skin that is sensitive to the sun?
- Do you have a lot of pigmentation marks?
- Do you have large, birth marks or pigmentation marks you were born with?
- Do you have any unusual moles or moles that have recently changed?
- Did you have sunburn as a child or teenager?
- Have there been cases of skin cancer in your family?
- Have you already been diagnosed with skin cancer yourself?
- Are you regularly exposed to strong sunlight?
What to watch out for with newly formed moles:
- Colour changes
- Change in the area around moles (e.g. redness, white colouration, swelling)
- Increase or decrease in size
- A thick or raised mole
- Bleeding moles
- Sensations of discomfort (e.g. burning, itching, sensation of a foreign body)
The rappjderm skin center has the Nevisense device.
This provides valuable additional information when checking moles for the early detection of melanoma.
In most cases, dermatologists can immediately recognize signs of malignant melanoma with a visual examination alone. The examination with the dermoscope and the photo finder forms the basis for the assessment of pigmented lesions.
In more complicated cases, however, additional information is very helpful in making an accurate clinical diagnosis. Nevisense provides immediate results based on objective diagnostic data that would not be available with other methods. The Nevisense method, which uses small electrical impulses to detect cell irregularities beneath the surface of the skin, is being demonstrated in the world’s largest study of its kind for melanoma detection. Measuring your mole more accurately may save you unnecessary surgery and reduce the risk of missing a potential melanoma.